
We could not function without the dedicated service of the members who so graciously volunteer their time and talents. If you are a current OLLI member, please consider contributing your ideas and expertise by volunteering as a classroom monitor or serving on one of these OLLI standing committees.

Advisory Committee

Represents the membership in providing advice on the general direction, program, services, and policies of OLLI. This committee meets three times a year.

Curriculum Committee

Brings forward recommendations for course topics, instructors, and speakers; reviews course proposals; and helps to build each term’s schedule of Osher courses. This committee holds two meetings each term; six meetings per year.

Membership Committee

Focuses on promoting the program and growing the membership while also attending to retaining current members. This committee meets, at minimum, once per term. 

Travel Committee

Represents the membership in providing advice and logistical assistance for travel opportunities. This committee meets three times per year.